As you have seen, fish offers many health benefits. However, how to add fish to the meal is still something that makes housewives wonder. Here are some frequently asked questions: 1. Is it possible to eat fish every day? In general, you can absolutely eat fish every day. However, there are some fish you should not eat every day such as halibut, flounder, rock trout, sea bream or sea bass. The reason is that the meat of these fish contains some heavy metals, eating a lot can cause accumulation and affect your health. Fish meat contains many essential nutrients and does not cause weight gain, so many people believe that eating fish every day will be very good for health. However, our body can only absorb nutrients in fish in a certain amount, even if we eat more, this amount of substance cannot be absorbed anymore. Therefore, a diet that includes at least 2 fish meals per week, each containing about 140g is enough to provide the necessary substances from fish for the body. 2. Is eating too much fish harmful? If you eat oily fish too often, it can affect your body. Therefore, you should not eat fried or oily fish daily. 3. Is it safe to eat a lot of fish during pregnancy? Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for fetal development. Therefore, pregnant women should create a habit of eating fish rich in omega-3. However, certain types of fish high in mercury and other heavy metals should be avoided. In addition, undercooked fish dishes such as in sushi are not recommended for pregnant women because they contain microorganisms that can be harmful to the health of the pregnant mother and the fetus. Fish is a good food for all family members, from grandparents to small children. Therefore, you should add fish to your diet to bring good health benefits for the whole family. However, you should also keep in mind that some fish contain a lot of heavy metals that can affect people’s health.

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